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Timesheet software for small business

Best Time Keeping Software for Businesses

When at work, do you often feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? Like you’re constantly racing against the clock, trying to get everything done?  

What if I told you there’s a way to reclaim control over your time? Control your man hours? Streamline your young business? Win more? A tool that can help you monitor every minute, every hour, so nothing slips through the cracks.  

I know you might be wondering, “Is there a perfect timekeeping software for my business?  

Let’s unpack this question and explore how the right tool can revolutionize your business operations.  


Why Do You Need Time-Keeping Software for Business?  

Consider this:  

Time is money, right? And for businesses like yours, it is even more critical. But how do you keep track of it? How do you make sure each minute counts towards success?  

Efficient business timekeeping is your answer. It’s like a roadmap. It shows where your team’s time goes.  

It’s about productivity. When you track time, you see what tasks take the longest. With good timesheet software for businesses, you spot where you can be more efficient.  

It’s about project management. You can plan better when you know how long tasks take. You meet deadlines without the last-minute rush.  

It’s about compliance, too. With a reliable timekeeping system, you can prove how much time you spent on a project. This is critical for billing, audits, and labor laws.  

But how do you track time without adding more work? The answer is time-keeping software. It can be a game-changer for your business operations.  

Now, you might be thinking, “How do I select the perfect timekeeping app for my business?” We will help you answer. Keep reading.   


Critical questions to ask  

So, you’ve decided to explore time-keeping tools for your business. But how do you choose the right one? Here are the questions you should be asking:  

Can it track project progress in real-time? You’ll want to see how your projects are moving along, at any given moment.  

Does it help with resource planning? The best software will help you allocate your team’s time wisely.  

Is it secure and compliant? Your data needs to be safe, and the software should help you meet industry standards.  

Does it offer detailed reports? You’ll want insights you can use to make better decisions.  

Can it handle multiple projects and tasks? Your business is not a one-project show, and your software needs to keep up.  

Does it offer customizable notifications? Stay in sync with your team with alerts and reminders.  

Can it integrate with other tools? The software should play nice with the other tools you use.  

Is it easy to use? You don’t want to spend hours learning new software.  

These questions will guide you to software that fits your needs like a glove.  

Now, what if there was software that ticks all these boxes? Let’s find out in the next section.  


Top 3 Time-Keeping Software for Businesses


What it is:  

TimeTrack, a time-keeping software for businesses, is like a personal assistant. It’s designed to make time management smoother.  

Features and Benefits:  

Real-time project tracking: TimeTrack never sleeps. It keeps an eye on your business projects round the clock. You always know where your project stands, which is crucial for businesses with tight deadlines.  

Resource planning: TimeTrack takes the role of your team’s coach. It helps you plan who does what and when. It’s like finely tuned timesheet software for businesses.  

Detailed reports: TimeTrack doesn’t just give you numbers. It offers insights, telling you how your business can use time more effectively.  

The Misses:  

But, TimeTrack has its limitations. It struggles to integrate with other tools. If you use a task management tool, TimeTrack might not sync well, which can be a setback for a business timekeeping system.  

And its interface? It can be a maze. For businesses looking for a simple, straightforward timekeeping app, this could be a hiccup.  



What it is:  

ClockIt, a timekeeping software for businesses, is your time guardian. It keeps track of your time so you can focus on your work.  

Features and Benefits:  

Security and compliance: ClockIt is a fortress. It keeps your data safe. And it helps your business stay compliant with labor laws and regulations.  

Multiple projects and tasks: ClockIt is a juggler. It allows you to manage multiple business projects and tasks with ease.  

Customizable notifications: ClockIt keeps you in the know. It sends you tailored alerts and reminders. It’s like your personal assistant in your business time-keeping journey.  

The Misses:  

However, ClockIt doesn’t track project progress in real time. For businesses that need real-time updates, this could be a gap.  

And its reports? They could provide a more detailed story. For businesses that depend on detailed data for decision-making, this timesheet software might come up short.  



What it is:  

Toggl, a time-keeping software for businesses, is your time detective. It uncovers where your time goes.  

Features and Benefits:  

Ease of use: Toggl is straightforward. It’s easy to set up and use, which is a big plus for mid-size businesses looking for a stress-free timekeeping system.  

Integration: Toggl plays well with other tools. It fits into your existing toolkit smoothly. It’s like the missing piece in your business timekeeping puzzle.  

Real-time project progress: Toggl lets you watch your projects as they unfold. It’s like having a front-row seat at your work.  

The Misses:  

But Toggl falls short in resource planning. It doesn’t help you decide who should do what and when. For businesses that need strong resource planning, this could be a gap.  

And those customizable notifications? They’re not up to par. For businesses that rely on timely reminders, this timekeeping app might not meet your needs.  

These tools each offer a lot. But not a complete package. And you want that. We know. The question is- Is there software that truly does it all?  

Keep reading.  


Beyond Intranet’s Time-Keeping Software: The Perfect Solution for Businesses  

Easy to Use  

You don’t need a manual to use our timekeeping app. It’s as simple as ABC.   

Real-Time Project Tracking  

Where is your project right now? Our software knows. And it tells you in real-time.  

Resource Planning  

Who should do what? And when? Our software helps you decide.  

Detailed Reports  

Our software gives you more than just numbers. It tells a story. Your story, in detail.  

Integration with Other Tools  

Our software plays well with others.   

Customizable Notifications  

You get alerts and reminders, just the way you like them. Never miss a beat.  

Security and Compliance  

Your data is safe with us. And we help you stay on the right side of the law.   

With Beyond Intranet, you get a time-keeping app for businesses that check all the boxes.  

But we’re not done yet.  

Coming up, we’ll talk about how our software adapts to your business, not the other way around.  

Because at Beyond Intranet, your business is our priority. Stay tuned!  


Why Beyond Intranet is the Perfect Time-Keeping Software for Your Business  

Your Project, Crystal Clear – Transparent Project Monitoring  

You’ve got a project. But you’re not sure where things stand. With our Transparent Project Monitoring, it’s like using a flashlight in a dark room. Everything becomes clear.  

Maximizing Team Productivity – Resource Allocation and Planning  

You’ve got a team. But who does what? With our Resource Allocation and Planning, you can assign tasks like a pro. It’s your team’s time, used wisely.  

Stay Safe, Stay Compliant – Compliance and Documentation  

Rules are tricky. But with our Compliance and Documentation, they don’t have to be. It’s like having a rule book that’s easy to read.  

Your Data, Protected – Secure & Compliant  

Your data is like a treasure. And it’s safe with us. Our software is Secure and compliant. It’s like a vault for your information.  

Stay Ahead, Always – Regular Product Updates  

Business changes. But our software changes with it. With Regular Product Updates, you’re always one step ahead. It’s like being on a journey, and we’re your guide.  

Smoother Workflow – Task Creation and Assignment  

Tasks shouldn’t be hard to create or assign. With our Task Creation and Assignment, they’re not. It’s like having an assistant to do the work.  

Data-Driven Decisions – Comprehensive and Enhanced Reports  

You need facts to make decisions. Our Comprehensive and Enhanced Reports give you those facts. It’s like having a detective to find the information for you.  

Advanced-Data Visualization – Power BI Integration  

Numbers can be confusing. But with our Power BI Integration, they’re not. It’s like having a translator for your data.  

Your Work, Your Way – Unlimited Projects, Tasks, and Timesheets  

Your work shouldn’t have limits. And with our timekeeping system for businesses, it doesn’t. It’s like having an open field to play in.  

Efficient Time Management – Time Keeping and Approval Delegation  

You need to keep track of time. And approve it. With our Timekeeping and Approval Delegation, it’s easy. It’s your business timekeeping, made simple.  

Keep Your Team in Sync – Customizable Email Notifications  

Your team needs to know what’s happening. Our Customizable Email Notifications tell them. It’s like having a town crier for your team.  

Look Back, Learn – Past Week’s/Month’s Reports  

You want to see old reports. Our Past Week’s/Month’s Reports let you do that. It’s like having a time machine for your data.  

Organized and Accessible – Your Employee Timesheet Dashboard  

You need to see all your timesheets. And with our Employee Timesheet Dashboard, you can. It’s the timesheet software for the business you’ve been looking for.  

Granular Insights – Detailed Timesheet Keeping  

You want details about your time. Our Detailed Timesheet Keeping System provides them. It’s like having a microscope for your time.  

Complete Control Over Projects – Project and Task Management features  

You want control over your projects. Our Project and Task Management features give you that. It’s like having a steering wheel for your business.  

Saw what our timekeeping software for businesses can do. Amazing, right? Let’s see the impact it brings to solid businesses.   


The Impact: How Beyond Intranet’s Software Transforms Businesses  

Say Hello to Efficiency 

Meet Sally. She runs an accounting firm. She used to lose track of time. Then, she found our timekeeping app. Now, she knows exactly who’s working on what and when. Her firm is running smoothly as butter.  

Goodbye to Paper Timesheets 

John owns a SaaS startup. He used to drown in paper timesheets. Then, he tried our timesheet software. Now, he tracks time digitally. It’s like he traded a clunky old car for a shiny new one.  

Time Saved is Money Earned 

Meet Lisa. She has a consultancy firm. She used to spend hours approving timesheets. Then, she started using our timekeeping software. Now, she has time for more important things. It’s like finding extra money in your pocket.  

Happy Teams, Happy Business 

This is Bob. He manages a design studio. His team used to be out of sync. Then, they started using our timekeeping. Now, they’re a well-oiled machine. It’s like turning a group of soloists into a symphony orchestra.  

Business Growth 

Finally, meet Anna. She runs an IT firm. She used to struggle with project management. Then, she started using Beyond Intranet. Now, her business is growing. It’s like planting a seed and watching it grow into a tree.  

 Mid Banner: So, are you ready to transform your business Sally, John, Lisa, Bob, and Anna?   


Wrapping Up  

Beyond Intranet’s time-keeping software is your answer. It’s like a Swiss army knife for your timekeeping needs. It makes your business timekeeping as easy as pie.   

Ready to give it a try? Click here to see a glimpse of a journey to a more organized, efficient business. Let’s go!