How Impactful is AI Knowledge Management?
By Hemlata Maheshwari
/ March 6, 2025
You know how frustrating it is when you can’t find the information you need. Xerox had the same problem. Their...
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Modern-day businesses are increasingly proceeding towards process automation using tools like power apps to simplify their repetitive, day-to-day tasks. These may be routine tasks that are time-consuming or involve humungous paperwork. Some of these tasks involve various levels of people giving their approval, rejection, or comments at various stages. All this information is manually fed […]
“In the recent Microsoft Inspire 2019, Satya Nadellasaid,“500 million apps are going to get created in the next five years. Think about that. That’s more apps than the last 40 years” That’s a great number indeed. The Microsoft CEO visualized this app boom long back, and that’s why he chose his best coders to get […]